
August 1842: The Báb and Khadijih-Bagum were married in Shiraz, Persia

Siyyid Ali-Muhammad [the Bab], and Khadijih Bagum were neighbors and playmates as children in Shiraz. Before their betrothal Khadijih-Bagum dreamed that Fatimih, daughter of Prophet Muhammad, asked for her hand in marriage to her son, the Imam Husayn. The Báb and Khadijih-Bagum were married in the House of the Báb in Shiraz in August 1842. They had one child, a son Ahmad, who died in infancy.

The Báb revealed to Khadijih-Bagum His station as the Qa'im even before making His Declaration to Mulla Husayn. Nabil writes: “The wife of the Báb, unlike His mother perceived at the earliest dawn of His Revelation the glory and uniqueness of His Mission and felt from the very beginning the intensity of its force. No one except Tahirih, among the women of her generation, surpassed her in the spontaneous character of her devotion nor excelled the fervour of her faith. To her the Báb confided the secret of His future sufferings, and unfolded to her eyes the significance of the events that were to transpire in His Day.” The Bab revealed for her the prayer known as the 'Remover of Difficulties' and directed her to recite it before going to sleep, promising He Himself would appear to her to banish her anxiety.

When Khadijih-Bagum learned Baha'u'llah had declared Himself to be the Promised One of the Bayan, Whose advent the Báb had foretold, she gave Him her allegiance instantly. She died in 1882. (Wendi Momen, ‘A Basic Baha’i Dictionary)